петак, 20. фебруар 2015.

\\ Zajedno smo jace TAG //

Ćao svima :D
Evo mene ponovo sa nečim novim. Za danas smo Kapege i ja smo osmislile novi tag uz pomoć kog bi se blogeri bolje upoznali i što više sprijateljili.
Jedna drugoj smo postavile po 15 pitanja na koje ćemo odgovoriti na svojim blogovima.

Ako hoćete da učestvujete trebate da odete  na blog kod Kapege i odgovorite na svom blogu pitanja koja sam joj postavila. Nemojte da zaboravite da i tagujete nekog :D

петак, 6. фебруар 2015.

The Smell of Chocolate

Hi there! When first February hits everybody start preparing for Valentines day. Preparing gifts for loved ones. It is all pink and heart shaped. Everywhere you can see gift ideas flying around. I like watching them and searching for inspiration, but back in the day when we were little we didn't have to buy gifts or make them, we had chocolate and flowers. And every time I smell chocolate i remember February so is it only me or does February smell like chocolate?

In that name I present you here 20 amazing facts about chocolate.

недеља, 1. фебруар 2015.

February inspiration 3...2..1 GO!

We all know whta January represent. Beggining of the year, of course, but it is also the beginning of the fulfillment of our long written decision. Lose weight, eat healthier, to stpo biting your nails, spend less, learn more, read more, run.....and many more. Like every January we enthusiastic jump in the fulfillment of those same decisions, but as January goes by we slowly slack.
- Dress was on sale, you can't miss such an offer, right? But neither the next, nor the next...
And so tiny February represents something special, at least to me.
So don't give up on your resolutions, suck it up...

I prepared few pictures to get in your February mood. Enjoy.

Svi znamo šta predstavlja januar. Početak godine, naravno, ali predstavlja i početak ispunjavanja naših davno zapisanih odluka. Smršati, hraniti se zdravije, ne gristi nokte, manje kupovati, više učiti, više čitati, trčati....Kao i svakog januara puni entuzijazma krenemo u ispunjavanje tih istih odluka, ali kako januar prolazi mi polako popuštamo. 
- Haljina je bila na sniženju takva ponuda se ne može propustiti, zar ne? Ali ne može ni sledeća, ni sledeća....
I zato maleni februar predstavlja nesto posebno, barem meni.
Zato ne odustajte lako od vaših odluka, stisnite zube..

Pripremila sam vam nekoliko slika da uđete u februarsko raspoloženje. Uživajte.